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Beginning Tuesday, June 1, reading and activity logs for all age groups can be picked up at the Library or printed by clicking the buttons below.

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For ages birth to 35 months, the Rubber Ducky Club features reading, fun and activities for babies and their parents.

The program features early literacy reading activity suggestions (vocabulary, print awareness, letter knowledge, phonological awareness, print motivation and narrative skills). When 60 activities are completed, parents may turn in the reading record at the Library and receive a prize.

The Library believes that reading to your baby not only creates a special bonding time together, but also builds their brain power, helps them learn language, encourages speech and prepares them to be readers.

Activity logs can be picked up in person at the Library or can be found online.

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To participate in the program, kids are asked to pick up a “List of Awesomeness” at the Library, or download it from the Library’s website. Complete activities on the list to be entered to win a grand prize. Bring in your reading log at the end of June to get a book, and turn in your logs by the end of the day Saturday, July 31 to be eligible to win a grand prize.

There will be several virtual programs this summer, including virtual storytimes, interactive Zoom programs featuring take home kits, a special S.T.E.A.M. virtual program for tweens, and more.

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Teens entering sixth through entering twelfth grade can pick up reading logs at the Library or print them from the Library’s website. Read for twenty minutes at a time to fill “pies.” One completed pie equals a prize entry. Teens can bring their reading logs to the Library to check in once during the summer to get a book.

There will be several virtual programs for teens this summer, including take home kits for different activities and reading recommendation videos.

Adults can track the number of books read on the provided reading log, or entries can be tracked on a sheet of notebook paper. Reading logs can also be printed from the Library website. Reading or listening to books or magazines will earn prize entries. One book, eBook or audiobook will equal one prize entry, and five magazines will equal one prize entry. Books or magazines do not need to be Library materials!

Each entry will earn the reader a chance to win a gift certificate from a local business. Instead of offering big prizes this year, the Library has decided to purchase gift certificates from the local businesses who have generously supported the Summer Reading Program in the past.

All reading logs must be turned in by the end of the day on Saturday, July 31. To reduce face to face contact, there are no check-ins throughout the summer. Reading logs may be turned in one of three ways: in person at the Library (please do NOT put it in the book drop), send it by mail to 77 Jefferson Street Tiffin, Ohio 44883, or email to summerreading@tiffinsenecalibrary.org.

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The Library’s Extension and Outreach Services Department will bring the summer reading program to local nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and homebound patrons again this year.

Upon sign-up, you will receive a reading log and instructions. For each book, audiobook, eBook, or magazine you read/listen to, you will be eligible to enter into a prize drawing where you can win gift cards to Walmart or Kroger.

Please contact Extension and Outreach Manager Beth Gottfried for more information.